Mac Direct Dyes On Cotton Dyeing:
Substantive dyes or more popularly known as Direct Dyes are dyed on cellulosic fibers at near boiling temperatures from neutral or weakly alkaline baths along with salt (Common or Glauber’s Salt Calc.)
Although this class of dyes can not be compared with vat, solubilized vat, azoic, fiber reactive, sulphur and pigment groups of colorants in respect of color fastness properties, their comparative cheapness, simplicity of application and availability of all shades and hues in one class of dyestuffs makes them one of the most important groups of dyes for cotton, viscose, cuprammonium and various cellulose based fine textiles such as voiles, georgette, crepe, chiffon. Knitwear etc . because many for dyeing ground shades for subsequent discharge printing.
Specific Direct Dyes are also used for dyeing lignin fibers such as jutes, sisal, coir, paper, leather, natural silk, wool, nylon as well as blends of cellulose.
Direct Dyes:
Leading manufacturer and exporter of Direct Dyes from india
Principales fabricantes y exportadores de los colorantes directos de la India
Fihrende Hersteller und Exporteur von Direct Dyes aus Indien
Fabricant et exportateur de colorants directs de l'Inde